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Shola Akinlade, the Co-founder and CEO of Paystack, has acquired a 55% stake in Aarhus Fremad, a Danish second-division football club.

The 76-year-old club will become the sister club of Sporting Lagos FC, which was founded by Akinlade in Nigeria’s National League in 2022.

This move will allow Akinlade’s teams to have more opportunities for exposure to Europe and further develop youth football in Nigeria.

Arhus Fremad is currently at the top of the second division and may be promoted to the country’s second-best league.

The club has been running at a deficit, with former primary equity owner Lars Kruse covering it.

The deal will allow the club to have a more extensive perspective and an international dimension to work with.

“It is fantastic that there are people with the right mindset who see football as a catalyst for many other things – and in terms of values, Sporting Lagos is a Nigerian Aarhus Fremad,” said Lars Kruse.

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